Supplementary consultation on proposed IERRT development

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The supplementary consultation is on the proposed Immingham Eastern Ro-Ro Terminal at the port.

The public are being invited to attend an exhibition as part of the supplementary consultation on the proposed Immingham Eastern Ro-Ro Terminal (IERRT) development at the Port of Immingham.

Associated British Ports (ABP) is submitting a proposal to construct a new roll-on roll-off (ro-ro) facility and this supplementary consultation reflects several refinements which have been made to the scheme following the original statutory consultation earlier this year.

The proposed IERRT development consists of:

Marine works

  • An approach jetty from the shore linked to two floating pontoons appropriately secured in position
  • Two separate finger piers to provide three berths thereby enabling the vessels to berth alongside with their stern ramps resting upon two floating pontoons
  • A capital dredge of the new berth pocket
  • Disposal of dredged material at sea if no beneficial alternative can be identified
  • Possible impact protection measures if required   


  • Demolition and redevelopment of a number of existing commercial buildings within the site
  • Improvement of the existing cargo storage areas, including resurfacing and provision of new pavements and associated infrastructure
  • A terminal building and a small welfare building to provide appropriate facilities for terminal operational and administration staff, lorry drivers and passengers
  • A small workshop with fuel station and a UK Border Force building
  • An internal bridge within the site to cross over Robinson Road and the ABP managed transit sidings
  • Related utilities and operational infrastructure
  • Creation of a second entrance lane at the Port’s East Gate
  • Offsite environmental enhancement

The formal consultation will run between Friday 28 October and Sunday 27 November 2022. Members of the public can view the plans at Immingham Civic Centre on Saturday 12 November from 10am to 3pm.

Port users can view the proposals on Tuesday 15 November from 1pm to 4pm at Immingham Seafarers Centre.

The PEIR, SCR and related consultation documents will be available to view and download online from 28 October 2022 at: